Looking After a New Bull

When a new bull arrives, handle him quietly and gently. Inspect him for any damage he may have incurred in transport and leave him in the yards with feed and water for a day to adjust to his new environment. If possible leave him with a companion steer or cow. Do not put him in with a mob of bulls. We have had phone calls saying ‘the bull you sold us is fighting with our bulls or has injured/been injured by them’. Of course they will fight. So introduce him to your bulls carefully one at a time.

When he is in with your cows, inspect your new bull regularly to ensure he is mating normally, is not limping and has not damaged his penis. If joining with a single sire, rotate him with a proven sire for half the joining period. If using a 14-month-old bull join him with a maximum of 25 heifers about his own size. Bulls two years and over should be joined with a maximum of 50 cows.